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Neurological Disorders 

Below you will find a brief description and some useful links for some common neurological disorders

Covid 19 and Neurological illnesses

In addition to the residual symptoms of the infection, the most common neurologic manifestations of long covid (or postacute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection syndrome) includes depression, anxiety, cognitive impairment, memory loss, brain fog, dysautonomia- a condition where you can experience a drop in blood pressure upon standing or a rapid heart rate.  

 Headaches including migraines, cluster, tension and others

A headache is very common causing pain and discomfort in the head, scalp, or neck. It is estimated that 7 in 10 people experience at least one headache every year. Not all headaches are migraines.  There are different types of headaches and getting the correct diagnosis is very important so treatment can be tailored to that. Unfortunately, most headache types cannot be diagnosed with a blood test  and hence seeing a neurologist who is experienced in diagnosing and treating headaches is important.


A migraine is not just a headache. Migraines are very strong, pounding headaches that are on one side of the head. 


A cluster headache is commonly described as painful headaches occurring in clusters. These headaches are cycles of attacks, however they are followed by free periods.


A tension headache is another common form of headache. It is usually caused by mild, moderate or intense headaches behind your eyes, head and neck. A tension headache may sometimes feel like a tight band around their forehead. 


Tremors, Tics, and Parkinson’s disease

Tremor is an uncontrollable, rhythmic muscle contraction that causes shaking movements in one or more parts of the body. It is a common movement disorder that primarily affects the hands but can also affect the arms, head, vocal cords, torso, and legs. Tremor can be intermittent (occurring at different times with breaks) or constant. It can occasionally occur (on its own) or as a result of another disorder. It is very important to diagnose the cause of the tremor so that treatment can be customized for every patient. 


Parkinson’s disease can also cause tremors. Symptoms appear gradually, sometimes beginning with a barely noticeable tremor in only one hand. Tremors are common, but the disorder is also associated with stiffness or slowing of movement. Click here for some Yoga poses that can help ease some symptoms of Parkinsons Disease


Assistive Devices for Tremors


Tics are unexpected twitches, movements, or sounds that people perform repeatedly. Tics sufferers are unable to stop their bodies from performing these actions. A person suffering from a motor tic, for example, may repeatedly blink. Alternatively, a person with a vocal tic may unintentionally make a grunting sound. For more information on tic disorders click here 

Tingling, Numbness and Neuropathy

Numbness and tingling are sensations that occur in our body, you often can feel them in your hands, fingers, feet, arms, or legs. The most common cause of numbness or tingling is a problem with nerve function, which can happen due to an injury to the nerve, pressure on the nerve, or an imbalance in the body’s chemistry interfering with nerve function. Neuropathy can also cause abnormal sensations. There are different types of neuropathy.

Memory Loss, Alzheimer’s and Dementias

Memory loss is characterized by unusual forgetfulness. You may be unable to recall events, one or more memories from the past, or both. Memory loss may occur for a short period of time and then resolve (transient). Alternatively, it may not go away and, depending on the cause, may worsen over time. Such memory impairment may interfere with daily living activities in severe cases. 


Dementia is a broad term that refers to a decline in mental ability that is severe enough to interfere with daily life. The most common cause of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease. 

There are many different types of dementia.

Dizziness, Vertigo

Dizziness can occur for a variety of reasons. It frequently occurs as a result of environmental factors or an underlying health condition. Vertigo is typically caused by conditions affecting your vestibular system. Your vestibular system aids in providing information to your brain about your movement, positioning, and location in space.


Insomnia is categorized as a sleep disorder that often tends to cause people to feel that they are unable to stay asleep or fall back to sleep. Due to inconsistent sleep, people often find themselves extremely tired which affects their ability to function throughout the day.  Most people think of sleep that would just come when they hit the bed. Unfortunately, that’s not the reality. Thankfully, there are studies that show that sleep can be controlled- yes, you heard us right- you have more control over your sleep than you think you do. 

Things that you do during the day affect the onset and quality of your sleep.

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